
Wondering Wednesays: Where Have You Been?

Hello All. I have received a few messages, emails, facebook pokes and the like, everyone wondering where I have been. What better day that Wondering Wednesday for me to fill you all in.

First, please forgive me for my disappearance. This blog is very important to me as is this ministry I feel called to so please believe that although I wasn't here, you were all in my thoughts and prayers and my absence was not merely a fanciful whim.

As many of you may know, I was sick. What I though was the flu turned out not to be flu. In fact I have no idea what it was, but I do know that it took me out of commission for a few days and then a few more days of taking it easy. As if it that weren't bad enough, David had to leave on a business trip the day before I got and was gone for a week so I had to tend to the children alone. Bless my mom's heart she came over and helped when she could.

With being stuck in bed with severe headaches and fever, I loss a lot of time from work that I had to catch up on. During catch-up I received several weird phone calls. It wasn't the first time that I had received these unknown calls 2 or 3 times in a row. Most times I don't answer but to stop the repeat caller I answered to no one speaking on the other end.

Several weeks before all of this I had mentioned to David that something in my spirit was off. A sense of warning had begun to grow and grow. He mentioned that it was possible that he may be transferred to another state for work. I wanted to believe that was what God was warning me of, but deep down I knew that wasn't what was wrong although moving to another state was not something I was too thrilled about.

After receiving these calls (as I have had many times before and simply ignored) that sense of dread came full force. After finishing up some work, I decided to check my phone records. I couldn't help but wonder if someone was trying hide their phone number. What I discovered was shocking and scary. For the sake of my private life I will simply disclose that David and I had a stalker on our hands and the many many unknown calls was from the same person.

I immediately called David and with him thousands of miles away, he went into protective husband mode. For the sake of my children and family, I took precautionary measures to block this person from seeing more of my life which included staying clear of social media.

Thank God, the situaton has been taken care of and my social media was safe. David returned from his trip and the very next day came down with whatever I had the previous week. So for the past few days I have been giving him my full attention and pampering him. He is after all my first ministry.

I am so blessed that the Holy Spirit guided me to get that scary situation exposed because there is no telling what would have happened had this person continued. It is times like this that I am so grateful that I am sensitive to the Holy Spirit's nudging.

So now that you are all caught up on the life of EK for the past few weeks, I pray you are ready pick up where we left off.

David and I will continue to answer questions together twice a month, so please please please send in your questions. I will also resume Wondering Wednesdays.

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